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Piston cleaning machine
  • Piston cleaning machine
  • Piston cleaning machine
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Piston cleaning machine
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Product details

Equipment use: used to clean the salt neutrons in the piston ring cooling loop

Applications: Piston parts for turbocharged engines

Equipment advantages:

The floor space is small (≤3m2), the cleaning speed is super fast, and the equipment input cost is low.

The fastest cleaning piston cleaner in the industry

Cleaning beat: CT = 12 seconds / piece

Equipment use: used to clean the salt neutrons in the piston ring cooling loop

Applications: Piston parts for turbocharged engines

Equipment advantages:

The floor space is small (≤3m2), the cleaning speed is super fast, and the equipment input cost is low.

The fastest cleaning piston cleaner in the industry

Cleaning beat: CT = 12 seconds / piece

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