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Plastic tray ultrasonic cleaning machine
  • Plastic tray ultrasonic cleaning machine
  • Plastic tray ultrasonic cleaning machine
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Plastic tray ultrasonic cleaning machine
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Product details

Cleaning objects: plastic products such as plastic trays

Equipment use: used to clean the surface of the plastic parts of the release agent, fines, dust and other pollution


Semi-automatic (automatic) structure, flexible use, low equipment purchase cost;

It is equipped with ultrasonic cleaning and bubbling cleaning method, and the cleaning effect is good;

It adopts centrifugal drying (selected according to product characteristics), drying method of hot air drying, and good drying effect;

The upper and lower throwing washing device and the lotion circulation filtering system are arranged to effectively ensure the cleaning effect.


Cleaning objects: plastic products such as plastic trays

Equipment use: used to clean the surface of the plastic parts of the release agent, fines, dust and other pollution


Semi-automatic (automatic) structure, flexible use, low equipment purchase cost;

It is equipped with ultrasonic cleaning and bubbling cleaning method, and the cleaning effect is good;

It adopts centrifugal drying (selected according to product characteristics), drying method of hot air drying, and good drying effect;

The upper and lower throwing washing device and the lotion circulation filtering system are arranged to effectively ensure the cleaning effect.


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